Paramount ME Installations

Below is a short list of the over 1000 Paramount ME installations world-wide.


Site Name


Arrakis Observatory



Astro Montalto Observatory






Astrophotography from Australia (NSW)


Southern hemisphere CCD imaging.

Backyard CCD Astro-Imaging


Don Goldman of Astrodon.

Baker Observatory



Barden Ridge Observatory



Bearcat Observatory


Northwest Missouri State University.

Bellatrix Observatory


Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italian Station.

Blue Sky Observatory



Blackbird Observatory



Burst Observer and Optical Transient Exploring System (BOOTES)


Two remotely controlled Paramount MEs performing Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) research.


Cabrillo Mesa Observatory



CAMSAT Observatory



CCD Astronomy



CCD Astrophotography by Pedro Ré



Coddenham Astronomical Observatory


147 supernovae discovered to date, and counting!


2 Paramount GT-1100S' and 1 Paramount GT-1100.


Crendon Observatory



Darkfire Observatory



Dave Osborne's Astro Images



Dimension Point Astronomical Observatory


Russell Crowman's remote observatory.

Dream's Roll Off Observatory


Dream Telescopes and Accessories, Inc.

Elk Creek Observatory



Eric Mouquet's Observatories



Ewell Observatory



Gray Dunes Observatory



Greiner Research Observatory (GRO)



Hallam Observatory



Hankasalmi Observatory


Located in Finland.

Hidden Loft Observatory



Hidden Valley Observatory



Holin A. Grotch Observatory



Jack C. Davis Observatory


Western Nevada Community College.

Josch Hambsch's CCD Imaging


This Paramount ME carries over 170 lbs of counterweights alone.

Jyväskylän Sirius


Located in Finland.

Kevin Smith's Observatory


Observatory located in the United Kingdom.

Kitt Peak National Observatory Visitor's Center



Langkawi National Observatory



Lost Valley Observatory


Maine Astronomical Society Observatory.

Mais Observatory


Dale Mais performs CCD spectroscopy.

Mano Prieto Observatory



Mariazellerland Observatory






MEarth Project


Eight Paramount MEs are used in this Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory project.


Mirabilis Observatory



Morden Observatory



MYHY Observatory



Nanango TIE QUT Observatory


Telescopes in Education in Australia.

New Millennium Observatory



New Mexico Skies


The New Mexico Skies and Fair Dinkum Skies sites currently house over forty Paramount MEs and a growing number of Paramount ME IIs under world-class skies.


Night Hawk Observatory


Robert Gendler's remote observatory.

Oakley Observatory


Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Observatoire d'Orange



Plettstone Observatory





University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Physics and Astronomy. (Six Paramount MEs in housed in Chile performing GRB research.)


RAS Observatory


Robotic Astronomy Home Page


Rancho Del Sol Observatory


Ken Crawford's Observatory.

RCOS Optical Systems Robotic Observatory



Rich Observatory


Supernovae search.

Robert and Elisabeth Moore Observatory


Columbia Basin College's Observatory.

Sandia View Observatory


MPC# H03.

Sierra Remote Observatories



Simpson Observatory


The John W. H. Simpson Observatory at Washington Crossing State Park in Titusville, NJ. Operated by the Amateur Astronomers of Princeton.


Sky Shed Observatory



SoTIE at Las Campanas Observatory


Telescopes in Education Chile site.

Spot Observatory



Springwater Remote Observatory




Stone Creek Observatory



Stargate 4173 at Grimaldi Tower

Observatory Photos


Located in Poughquag, New York


Star Shadows Remote Observatory (SSRO)


At New Mexico Skies.

Through the Looking Glass Astrophotography



Twin Oaks Observatory



Twin Peaks Observatory


Portable Paramount ME.

West Mountain Observatory


20-inch RCOS at Brigham Young University.

Woodlake Observatory



XO Project

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), et. al. searching for transiting extra-solar planet candidates.