Script TheSky  Version 1.32
Public Types | Public Slots | Properties | List of all members
ccdsoftCamera Class Reference

TheSky ccdsoftCamera object. More...

Inheritance diagram for ccdsoftCamera:

Public Types

enum  ccdsoftImageReduction { cdNone, cdAutoDark, cdBiasDarkFlat }
 The ccdsoftImageReduction enum. More...
enum  ccdsoftImageFrame { cdLight =1, cdBias, cdDark, cdFlat }
 The Image Frame type. More...
enum  ccdsoftSBIGGuiderAntiBloom { cdAntiBloomOff, cdAntiBloomLow, cdAntiBloomMedium, cdAntiBloomHigh }
 SBIG Autoguider AntiBlooming. More...
enum  ccdsoftMoveVia {
  cdAutoguideViaRelays, cdAutoguideViaRelayAPI, cdAutoguideViaDirectGuide, cdAutoguideViaPulseGuide,
 Move via Relays, RelayAPI, DirectGuide, PulseGuide or using the SBIG AO. More...
enum  ccdsoftInterface {
  cdNoPort, cdLPT1, cdLPT2, cdLPT3,
  cdUSB =0x7F00, cdEthernet
 SBIG Camera communications physical interface. More...
enum  ccdsoftAutoSaveAs { cdFITS, cdSBIG }
 Automatically save images as native SBIG camera or FITS file format. More...
enum  ccdsoftFocusGraph { cdMaximumValue, cdSharpness }
 Graph focus by maximum value or image sharpness (frequency). More...
enum  ccdsoftColorChannel { cdLuminance = 1, cdRed = 2, cdGreen = 3, cdBlue = 4 }
 Color channels. More...
enum  ccdsoftfocTempCompMode { cdfocTempCompMode_None, cdfocTempCompMode_A, cdfocTempCompMode_B }
 Focuser temperature compensation mode. More...
enum  ccdsoftCameraState {
  cdStateNone, cdStateTakePicture, cdStateTakePictureSeries, cdStateFocus,
  cdStateMoveGuideStar, cdStateAutoGuide, cdStateCalibrate, cdStateTakeColor,
  cdStateAutoFocus, cdStateAutoFocus2
 Camera state. More...

Public Slots

int TakeImage ()
 Acquires an image from the camera. More...
int Autoguide ()
 Starts autoguiding. More...
int Abort ()
 Use this method to abort (stop) any camera operation currently in progress for example TakeImage(), Autoguide(), Calibrate(), etc. More...
int Connect ()
 Establishes communication between this camera object and the camera hardware. More...
int Disconnect ()
 Terminate the communication between this camera object and the camera hardware. More...
int CenterBrightestObject ()
 Center the brightest object on the last acquired photo by using the autoguider. More...
int Calibrate (int CalibrateAO)
 Calibrate the autoguider and fill in the calibration results so that autoguiding may be performed. More...
int AtFocus ()
 The method runs @Focus2, automated focus routine. More...
int TakeColor ()
 This method is not supported. More...
int MoveGuideStar ()
 Move the guide star to a different location on the CCD. More...
int Move (double FromX, double FromY, double ToX, double ToY)
 Make an autoguiding adjustment. More...
int focConnect ()
 Connect the focuser. More...
int focDisconnect ()
 Disconnect the focuser. More...
int focSettings ()
 Not suppored in TheSky.
int focMoveIn (int lSteps)
 Move the focuser in. More...
int focMoveOut (int lSteps)
 Move the focuser out. More...
int AtFocus2 ()
 The method runs @Focus2, automated focus routine. More...
int filterWheelConnect ()
 Connect the filterwheel. More...
int filterWheelDisconnect ()
 Disconnect the filterwheel. More...
int filterWheelIsConnected ()
 The method tells if the filterwheel is connected or not. More...
int centerAO ()
 This method causes the adaptive optics device to move to the center of its travel. More...
int rotatorConnect ()
 Connect the rotator. More...
int rotatorDisconnect ()
 Disconnect the rotator. More...
int rotatorIsConnected ()
 Returns non zero if the rotator is connected or zero if not connected. More...
double rotatorPositionAngle ()
 Returns the position angle of the rotator. More...
int rotatorGotoPositionAngle (double dPositionAngle)
 Commands the rotator to synchronously go to the position angle. More...
int rotatorIsRotating ()
 Returns non zero if the rotator is rotating or zero if the rotator is not rotating. More...
int AtFocus3 (int nAveraging, bool bFullAuto)
 The method runs @Focus3, automated focus routine. More...
General, name based get/set methods

Some properties, like the calibration results for the SBIG AO and SBIG external CCD can be otained from these functions. Only use for properties that are explicitly documented.

double PropDbl (QString lpszPropName)
 Returns a double property.
void setPropDbl (QString lpszPropName, double dVal)
 Sets a double property.
int PropLng (QString lpszPropName)
 Returns a long property.
void setPropLng (QString lpszPropName, int nVal)
 Sets a long property.
QString PropStr (QString lpszPropName)
 Returns a string property.
void setPropStr (QString lpszPropName, QString qsVal)
 Sets a string property.
Properties with Parameters

These properties take one or more parameters and are technically methods. The set syntax is not identical to ccdsoft.

QString szFilterName (int lZeroBasedIndex)
 This property retuns the filter name associated with the zero based index to the filter.
void setszFilterName (int lZeroBasedIndex, QString qsValue)
 This property sets the filter name associated with the zero based index to the filter.
QString szBinModeFromIndex (int lZeroBasedIndex)
 This property returns the bin mode in a text form (i.e. More...
QString ReductionGroupFromIndex (int lZeroBasedIndex)
 This property returns the name of the reduction group for the given zero based index. More...
QVariant LRGBArray (int seriesIndex)
 This property is not supported.
void setLRGBArray (int seriesIndex, QVariant colorData)
 This property is not supported.


int WidthInPixels
 This property holds the width of the CCD in pixels.
int HeightInPixels
 This property holds the height of the CCD in pixels.
double Temperature
 This property holds temperature of the CCD.
double ThermalElectricCoolerPower
 This property holds the power applied to the thermo electric cooler of the CCD.
int IsExposureComplete
 This property tells if an exposure is complete. More...
QString ExposureStatus
 This property is a text string representing the exposure status.
double ExposureTime
 This property holds the exposure time for the TakeImage() method.
QString LastImageFileName
 This property holds the file path of the last photo acquired (AutoSave must be on).
QString AutoSavePath
 This property holds the path to the AutoSave folder.
QString AutoSavePrefix
 This property holds the AutoSave prefix.
ccdsoftImageReduction ImageReduction
 This property holds the type of image reduction that is applied to each image the camera acquries.
double Delay
 This property holds pre-exposure delay.
int Series
 This property holds the number of images TakeImage() will acquire when greater than 1.
int FilterIndexZeroBased
 This property holds the zero based filter of index for the filter wheel that is selected when TakeImage() is called. More...
int Subframe
 This property indicates if a subframe is active (non-zero) or not (zero) More...
int SubframeLeft
 This property holds the left coordinate of the subframe.
int SubframeTop
 This property holds the top coordinate of the subframe.
int SubframeRight
 This property holds the right coordinate of the subframe.
int SubframeBottom
 This property holds the bottom coordinate of the subframe.
int BinX
 This property holds x bin factor of the CCD.
int BinY
 This property holds y bin factor of the CCD.
int ToNewWindow
 This property holds whether or not to display acquired images in a new window or not.
int Autoguider
 This property holds whether or not this object is the autoguider (non-zero) or the imager (zero).
int Asynchronous
 The property holds if the ccdsoftCamera object is operating synchronously or asynchronously. More...
int lNumberFilters
 This property returns the number of unique filter positions in the filter wheel.
int lNumberBins
 This property returns the number of bin modes the camera has.
int ReductionGroupCount
 This property returns the number of image reduction (or calibration) groups that exist in the Image Calibration Library. More...
ccdsoftImageFrame Frame
 This property holds the type of frame that TakeImage will acquire.
ccdsoftSBIGGuiderAntiBloom SBIGGuiderAntiBloom
 This property holds the antiblooming setting for the SBIG autoguider.
int SBIGOffChipBinning
 This property holds the off chip binning setting for the SBIG camera.
int ImageUseDigitizedSkySurvey
 This property holds whether or not images acquired by the camera have a simulated image using the Digitized Sky Survey.
int ReverseX
 This property causes autoguiding adjustments reverse in the x direction. More...
int ShowAutoguider
 When set to false the autoguider image isn't shown while autoguiding to increase through put.
double GuideStarX
 This property holds the x coordinate of the destination guide star position.
double GuideStarY
 This property holds the y coordinate of the destination guide star position.
ccdsoftMoveVia MoveVia
 This property holds the means by which autoguiding adjustments are made.
int TrackBoxX
 This property holds the width of the autoguiding track box.
int TrackBoxY
 This property holds the height of the autoguiding track box.
int SavedCalibrationTimeX
 This property holds the X autoguider calibration time. More...
int SavedCalibrationTimeY
 This property holds the Y autoguider calibration time. More...
int EnabledXAxis
 This property holds if the x autoguider adjustments are enabled or not.
int EnabledYAxis
 This property holds if the y autoguider adjustments are enabled or not.
int AutoSaveOn
 This property holds if images acquired by the camera are automatically saved.
int AutoguiderAggressiveness
 This property holds the autoguider aggressiveness. More...
int AutoguiderMinimumMove
 This property the autoguider minium move. More...
int AutoguiderMaximumMove
 This property the autoguider maximum move. More...
double AutoguiderBacklashXAxis
 This property holds the autoguider backlash in seconds for the x.
double AutoguiderBacklashYAxis
 This property holds the autoguider backlash in seconds for the y.
int AutoguiderDelayAfterCorrection
 This property holds the delay after each autoguider correction.
int AutoguiderLogData
 This property indicates if an autoguider log is caputured during autoguiding.
int AutoguiderCalibrationTimeXAxis
 This property holds the autoguider calibration time for the x relay.
int AutoguiderCalibrationTimeYAxis
 This property holds the autoguider calibration time for the y relay.
int RegulateTemperature
 This property holds if camera temperature regulation is on or off.
int MoveToX
 This property holds the x coordinate of the guide star for the MoveGuideStar() method.
int MoveToY
 This property holds the x coordinate of the guide star for the MoveGuideStar() method.
int ColorSeries
 This property holds the number of color series to take with the TakeColor method.
int AutoSaveFocusImages
 This property sets wheter or not AutoSave applies when acquiring focus images.
int ScreenShutter
 This property turns off and on the screen shutter.
int HighPriorityDownloads
 This property turns on high priority downloads.
int DownloadAbortedExposures
 This property enables download of aborted exposures when the exposure time exceeds DownloadAbortedExposuresAfterSeconds. More...
int DownloadAbortedExposuresAfterSeconds
 This property holds the threshold of when aborted exposures are downloaded or not. More...
int SaveImagesWithUTC
 This property causes images to saved using UTC time.
int ShutDownTemperatureRegulationOnDisconnect
 This property causes temperature regulation to turn off upon disconnect.
ccdsoftAutoSaveAs AutoSaveFileFormat
 Not applicable in TheSky, only FITS is supported. More...
ccdsoftFocusGraph FocusGraphType
 Not applicable in TheSky since its focus graphs superceed CCDSoft. More...
int AtFocusSamples
 This property holds the number of samples using during an AtFocus2 run.
int AtFocusAveraging
 This property holds the averaging used during an AtFocus2 run.
int AtFocusInitialMoveDirection
 Not applicable in TheSky. More...
int AutoContrast
 Not applicable in TheSky.
int SBIGFanOn
 This property controls if the SBIG fan is on (non-zero) or off (zero).
int ContinuousFocus
 This property controls if images are acquired continuously on the focus tab.
double AutoguiderExposureTime
 This property holds the autoguide exposure time.
ccdsoftInterface CameraInterface
 This property holds the physical interface to SBIG cameras.
double DeclinationAtCalibration
 This property holds the declination at the time the autoguider was calibrated.
double TelescopeDeclination
 This property holds the declination where autougiding is presently being performed.
double TemperatureSetPoint
 This property holds the temperature setpoint for the CCD.
QString ReductionGroupName
 This property holds the image reduction name. More...
int lAsynchronous
 See. More...
double FocusExposureTime
 This property holds the exposure time for the focus tab.
ccdsoftfocTempCompMode focTemperatureCompensationMode
 This property holds the temperature compensation mode for the focuser.
int focBacklash
 Not applicable in TheSky.
int focMaximumLimit
 This property holds the maximum limit of the focuser.
int focMinimumLimit
 This property holds the minimum limit of the focuser.
int focSmallStepSize
 Not applicable in TheSky.
int focLargeStepSize
 Not applicable in TheSky.
int focPort
 This property holds the port the focuser is connected too.
double focTemperature
 This property holds the temperature reported by the focuser.
QString Status
 This property holds the camera status text.
int Percent
 This property holds the camera status percentage.
ccdsoftCameraState State
 This property holds the camera state.
double GuideErrorX
 This property holds the x guide error.
double GuideErrorY
 This property holds the y guide error.
double MaximumPixel
 This property holds the maximum pixel found in the last acquired image.
int focIsConnected
 This property holds if the focuser is connected or not.
int focPosition
 This property holds the focuser position.
Autoguider Calibration Results

These properties hold the results of autoguider calibration.

See also
Calibrate() and Calibration Results for SBIG External CCD and SBIG AO
double CalibrationVectorXPositiveXComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorXPositiveYComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorYPositiveXComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorYPositiveYComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorXNegativeXComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorXNegativeYComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorYNegativeXComponent
 Calibration result. More...
double CalibrationVectorYNegativeYComponent
 Calibration result. More...

Detailed Description

TheSky ccdsoftCamera object.

The ccdsoftCamera object allows scripted control of any camera compatible with TheSky in a way that closely matches the camera scripting interface offered by CCDSoft.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ccdsoftAutoSaveAs

Automatically save images as native SBIG camera or FITS file format.


Save as FITS.


Save as SBIG.

◆ ccdsoftCameraState

Camera state.


Camera is idle.


Camera is taking a picture.


Camera is taking a seriesof pictures.


Camera is acquiring focus pictures.


Camera is moving the guide star.


Camera is autoguiding.


Camera is calibrating the autoguider.


Camera is taking a color image.


Camera is performing autofocus.


Camera is performing autofocus.

◆ ccdsoftColorChannel

Color channels.









◆ ccdsoftfocTempCompMode

Focuser temperature compensation mode.


No focuser temperature compensation.


Focuser temperature mode A.


Focuser temperature mode B.

◆ ccdsoftFocusGraph

Graph focus by maximum value or image sharpness (frequency).


Focus graph shows maximum value.


Focus graph shows sharpness.

◆ ccdsoftImageFrame

The Image Frame type.


A light frame.


A bias frame.


A dark frame.


A flat frame.

◆ ccdsoftImageReduction

The ccdsoftImageReduction enum.


No image reduction is performed on each acquired image.


A dark frame is automatically acquired and subtracted from light frames.


Full image reduction is performed on each acquired image based on the Image Calibration Library.

See also
ImageReduction ReductionGroupName

◆ ccdsoftInterface

SBIG Camera communications physical interface.


No port.











◆ ccdsoftMoveVia

Move via Relays, RelayAPI, DirectGuide, PulseGuide or using the SBIG AO.


Autoguiding corrections will be made by camera relays.


Autoguiding corrections will be made by the RelaAPI.


Autoguiding corrections will be made by DirectGuide.


Autoguiding corrections will be made by Pulse Guide.


Internal to Software Bisque only do not use.

◆ ccdsoftSBIGGuiderAntiBloom

SBIG Autoguider AntiBlooming.


Antiblooming off.


Antiblooming low.


Antiblooming medium.


Antiblooming high.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Abort

int ccdsoftCamera::Abort ( )

Use this method to abort (stop) any camera operation currently in progress for example TakeImage(), Autoguide(), Calibrate(), etc.

Possible method return values

◆ AtFocus

int ccdsoftCamera::AtFocus ( )

The method runs @Focus2, automated focus routine.

TheSky only supports @Focus2. Possible method return values

◆ AtFocus2

int ccdsoftCamera::AtFocus2 ( )

The method runs @Focus2, automated focus routine.

Possible method return values

◆ AtFocus3

int ccdsoftCamera::AtFocus3 ( int  nAveraging,
bool  bFullAuto 

The method runs @Focus3, automated focus routine.

nAveragingis the number of samples acquired at each focus position. Supported values are 1, 2, 3.
bFullAutowhen true (a non zero value), means one sample per focus position, automatically determines exposure time and optimal subframe. bFullAuto will take one full frame photo and determine what the best subframe should be from that.


  • It uses the camera filter currently set.
  • Will start with the camera focus exposure time currently set.
  • Exposure time may be internally adjusted with or without bFullAuto on depending on signal found in photos.

Possible method return values

◆ Autoguide

int ccdsoftCamera::Autoguide ( )

Starts autoguiding.

Possible method return values

See also

◆ Calibrate

int ccdsoftCamera::Calibrate ( int  CalibrateAO)

Calibrate the autoguider and fill in the calibration results so that autoguiding may be performed.

The method must be called before Autoguide(). Possible method return values

[in]CalibrateAOSet to 1 to calibrate an attached AO device, otherwise the autoguider is calibrated.
See also

◆ centerAO

int ccdsoftCamera::centerAO ( )

This method causes the adaptive optics device to move to the center of its travel.

This method was added in TheSky build 7968. Note: clients using the CCDSoft2XAdaptor object can call this method by setting the property 'Camera.PropLng("centerAO()") = 1' as a workaround to avoid changing that interface (especially for those using early binding). Possible method return values

See also

◆ CenterBrightestObject

int ccdsoftCamera::CenterBrightestObject ( )

Center the brightest object on the last acquired photo by using the autoguider.

Possible method return values

See also

◆ Connect

int ccdsoftCamera::Connect ( )

Establishes communication between this camera object and the camera hardware.

Possible method return values

◆ Disconnect

int ccdsoftCamera::Disconnect ( )

Terminate the communication between this camera object and the camera hardware.

Possible method return values

◆ filterWheelConnect

int ccdsoftCamera::filterWheelConnect ( )

Connect the filterwheel.

Possible method return values

◆ filterWheelDisconnect

int ccdsoftCamera::filterWheelDisconnect ( )

Disconnect the filterwheel.

Possible method return values

◆ filterWheelIsConnected

int ccdsoftCamera::filterWheelIsConnected ( )

The method tells if the filterwheel is connected or not.

Possible method return values

◆ focConnect

int ccdsoftCamera::focConnect ( )

Connect the focuser.

Possible method return values

◆ focDisconnect

int ccdsoftCamera::focDisconnect ( )

Disconnect the focuser.

Possible method return values

◆ focMoveIn

int ccdsoftCamera::focMoveIn ( int  lSteps)

Move the focuser in.

Possible method return values

◆ focMoveOut

int ccdsoftCamera::focMoveOut ( int  lSteps)

Move the focuser out.

Possible method return values

◆ Move

int ccdsoftCamera::Move ( double  FromX,
double  FromY,
double  ToX,
double  ToY 

Make an autoguiding adjustment.

This method isn't normally called as clients call the Autoguide() method to perform autoguiding. Use this method to perform custom autoguiding. Possible method return values

◆ MoveGuideStar

int ccdsoftCamera::MoveGuideStar ( )

Move the guide star to a different location on the CCD.

This isn't autoguiding, but rather a means to change where autoguiding occurs on the CCD. Possible method return values

See also
MoveToX MoveToY

◆ ReductionGroupFromIndex

QString ccdsoftCamera::ReductionGroupFromIndex ( int  lZeroBasedIndex)

This property returns the name of the reduction group for the given zero based index.

See also

◆ rotatorConnect

int ccdsoftCamera::rotatorConnect ( )

Connect the rotator.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see Possible method return values

◆ rotatorDisconnect

int ccdsoftCamera::rotatorDisconnect ( )

Disconnect the rotator.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see method return values

◆ rotatorGotoPositionAngle

int ccdsoftCamera::rotatorGotoPositionAngle ( double  dPositionAngle)

Commands the rotator to synchronously go to the position angle.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see Possible method return values

◆ rotatorIsConnected

int ccdsoftCamera::rotatorIsConnected ( )

Returns non zero if the rotator is connected or zero if not connected.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see

◆ rotatorIsRotating

int ccdsoftCamera::rotatorIsRotating ( )

Returns non zero if the rotator is rotating or zero if the rotator is not rotating.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see

◆ rotatorPositionAngle

double ccdsoftCamera::rotatorPositionAngle ( )

Returns the position angle of the rotator.

This method was added in TheSky build 9223, see

◆ szBinModeFromIndex

QString ccdsoftCamera::szBinModeFromIndex ( int  lZeroBasedIndex)

This property returns the bin mode in a text form (i.e.

"1x1", "2x2", etc.) for the given zero based index

See also

◆ TakeColor

int ccdsoftCamera::TakeColor ( )

This method is not supported.

Note, all the primatives are available to take an LRBG Image. At some point in the furture, this method and LRGBArray might be mapped into TheSky's more flexilble Take Series capabilities. Possible method return values

◆ TakeImage

int ccdsoftCamera::TakeImage ( )

Acquires an image from the camera.

Possible method return values

Property Documentation

◆ Asynchronous


The property holds if the ccdsoftCamera object is operating synchronously or asynchronously.

See the \ref scriptSyncAsync topic for more information about the differences between these methods of execution.

◆ AtFocusInitialMoveDirection

int ccdsoftCamera::AtFocusInitialMoveDirection

Not applicable in TheSky.

This property holds the initial direction for legacy AtFocus runs, TheSky only supports AtFocus2.

◆ AutoguiderAggressiveness

int ccdsoftCamera::AutoguiderAggressiveness

This property holds the autoguider aggressiveness.

10 = nominal aggressiveness, autoguiding corrections are made to their full amount; 5 = 50% where autoguiding corrections are made to half there amount. This method gives a means to deaden or amplify autoguiding corrections.

◆ AutoguiderMaximumMove

int ccdsoftCamera::AutoguiderMaximumMove

This property the autoguider maximum move.

The units are in one-thousandths of one second. For example, a value of 5.0 equals 0.005 seconds.

◆ AutoguiderMinimumMove

int ccdsoftCamera::AutoguiderMinimumMove

This property the autoguider minium move.

The units are in one-thousandths of one second. For example, a value of 5.0 equals 0.005 seconds.

◆ AutoSaveFileFormat

ccdsoftAutoSaveAs ccdsoftCamera::AutoSaveFileFormat

Not applicable in TheSky, only FITS is supported.

This property holds the type of format AutoSave saves in.

◆ CalibrationVectorXNegativeXComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorXNegativeXComponent

Calibration result.

Negative x vector, x component.

◆ CalibrationVectorXNegativeYComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorXNegativeYComponent

Calibration result.

Negative x vector, y component.

◆ CalibrationVectorXPositiveXComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorXPositiveXComponent

Calibration result.

Positive x vector, x component.

◆ CalibrationVectorXPositiveYComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorXPositiveYComponent

Calibration result.

Positive x vector, y component.

◆ CalibrationVectorYNegativeXComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorYNegativeXComponent

Calibration result.

Negative y vector, x component.

◆ CalibrationVectorYNegativeYComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorYNegativeYComponent

Calibration result.

Negative y vector, y component.

◆ CalibrationVectorYPositiveXComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorYPositiveXComponent

Calibration result.

Positive y vector, x component.

◆ CalibrationVectorYPositiveYComponent

double ccdsoftCamera::CalibrationVectorYPositiveYComponent

Calibration result.

Positive y vector, y component.

◆ DownloadAbortedExposures

int ccdsoftCamera::DownloadAbortedExposures

This property enables download of aborted exposures when the exposure time exceeds DownloadAbortedExposuresAfterSeconds.

See also

◆ DownloadAbortedExposuresAfterSeconds

int ccdsoftCamera::DownloadAbortedExposuresAfterSeconds

This property holds the threshold of when aborted exposures are downloaded or not.

See also

◆ FilterIndexZeroBased

int ccdsoftCamera::FilterIndexZeroBased

This property holds the zero based filter of index for the filter wheel that is selected when TakeImage() is called.

Note by design setting this property does not immediately change the filter wheel position but rather the change will occur when TakeImage() is called. Also, reading this value does not provide the index of the filter that is currently in place in the filter wheel hardware. However, TheSky build 10225 provides a means to read or get the index of the filter that is currently in place in the filter hardware (see Application::build to determine the build of TheSky in use an act accordingly for your situation). Simply use the generic name based accessor for this property and append the special key "Real-Time" to the property name.

For example, the following vb code:

'Set Cam = CreateObject("TheSkyX.ccdsoftCamera")
Set Cam = CreateObject("TheSky64.ccdsoftCamera")
MsgBox Cam.propLng("m_nFilterIndex Real-Time")

will display a message box with the filter index that is current selected in the filter hardware. This mechanism was added primarily to allow external programs the ability to query the current filter index in the filter wheel hardware and change focus offsets accordingly. An alternative is to use TheSky's ability to automatically change focus offsets based on filters by entering the 'Focus Offset' column value for each filter under the 'Filter Names Setup' window.

◆ FocusGraphType

ccdsoftFocusGraph ccdsoftCamera::FocusGraphType

Not applicable in TheSky since its focus graphs superceed CCDSoft.

This property holds the type of graph while focusing.

◆ IsExposureComplete

int ccdsoftCamera::IsExposureComplete

This property tells if an exposure is complete.

See the Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Execution topic for more information about the differences between these methods of execution.

◆ lAsynchronous

int ccdsoftCamera::lAsynchronous


See also

◆ ReductionGroupCount

int ccdsoftCamera::ReductionGroupCount

This property returns the number of image reduction (or calibration) groups that exist in the Image Calibration Library.

See also
ReductionGroupFromIndex ImageReduction

◆ ReductionGroupName

QString ccdsoftCamera::ReductionGroupName

This property holds the image reduction name.

See also

◆ ReverseX

int ccdsoftCamera::ReverseX

This property causes autoguiding adjustments reverse in the x direction.

This allows using the same calibration results for GEM that has been calibrated one side of the meridian but is now autoguiding on the other side of the meridian.

◆ SavedCalibrationTimeX

int ccdsoftCamera::SavedCalibrationTimeX

This property holds the X autoguider calibration time.

The units are 1/100s of a second, for example a value of 500 equals 5 seconds.

◆ SavedCalibrationTimeY

int ccdsoftCamera::SavedCalibrationTimeY

This property holds the Y autoguider calibration time.

The units are 1/100s of a second, for example a value of 500 equals 5 seconds.

◆ Subframe

int ccdsoftCamera::Subframe

This property indicates if a subframe is active (non-zero) or not (zero)

See also
SubframeLeft, SubframeTop, SubframeRight, SubframeBottom
ScriptTheSkyX Examples
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