Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 143 – THESKY’S TOOLS ARE GREYED

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  • #88071


    Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 143



    TheSky v4’s Tools (Solar System View, Conjunction Finder, Eclipse Finder, Jovian Moons and Moon Phase Calendar) are greyed and can’t be selected.


    TheSky is being run under Windows 3.1x with Win32s.

    As indicated in the “Attention Windows 3.1x Owners” document, these tools are not available from within TheSky. The user must run WSTOOL32.EXE separately (not simultaneously). This is due to a memory limitation of Windows 3.1/3.11. We recommend that our users upgrade to Windows 95 or NT.

    These tools may be accessed by exiting TheSky and running the program WSTOOL32.EXE stand-alone. Please note that command line arguments must be used to specify the longitude, latitude, time zone, and starting date and time of WSTOOLS32. See the example below for the format.

    wstool32.exe Long=100.1 Lat=40.2 Elev=0.0 TimeZone=7 JD=2450185.0

    (The command line is entered in the Command Line text box of the Program Item Properties. You may edit the Program Item Properties by pressing Alt+Enter or choosing File Properties from the Program Manager when the WSTOOLS32 icon is highlighted.)

    – The words Long, Lat, Elev, TimeZone and JD are case-sensitive!
    – Values must be in decimal format (not degrees minutes seconds).
    – Eastern longitudes and Southern latitudes are negative.
    – Elevation is in metres.
    – TimeZone is the number of hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and is always positive (USA examples: PST=8, MST=7, CST=6, EST=5). Subtract one hour during Daylight Saving Time, when applicable.
    – JD is the Julian Day (above for April 11, 1996). A specific JD may be obtained from TheSky’s Tools, Planet Report command, or the date and time may be changed within WSTOOLS32 itself.





    This article was formerly published under the identifier Q301KB in Software Bisque’s prior knowledge base.

    Last Reviewed: 11/24/2004

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