Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 73 – LAUNCHING THESKY, ZOOMING OR IDENTIFYING CAUSE ERR

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      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 73



      When launching TheSky, zooming in, or identifying some objects, an error message is displayed. Might be:
      “This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor.”
      Upon selecting details…
      “Sky has caused an invalid page fault in module MFC40.DLL at 0137:5f818da5”.


      Make sure that TheSky’s CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive. Obtain TheSky version 4.00.100 or later, as this has been fixed.

      Check that the actual CD-ROM drive letter matches what TheSky is using (especially if the system has a removable CD-ROM drive, CD changer or multiple CD-ROM drives). If operable, compare with TheSky’s Data, File Locations settings.

      Make sure the system’s MFC40.DLL is of a compatible version. Here’s how:

      1. Right-click on Windows’ Start button, then choose Find.
      2. Specify the file Named “MFC40.DLL” and Look In the C: drive (not a sub-folder). Be sure Include Subfolders is selected.
      3. Click Find Now, and note the locations of all such files found in the listing below.
      4. Right-click on the first-listed occurrence of this file name in the listing, then choose Properties from the pop-up menu.
      5. If a Version tab sheet is available in the Properties dialog, select this, then choose Product Version from the Item Name listing. The Value shown to the right is the version number of the selected file. Version 4.1.000 is preferred, although 4.0.000 might work (unconfirmed). Anything lower should be updated.
      6. Repeat from step 4 for each of any additional listings of this file name.

      Please be prepared to inform Software Bisque’s technical support staff of the location for each occurrence of this file on your system.





      This article was formerly published under the identifier Q162KB in Software Bisque’s prior knowledge base.

      Last Reviewed: 11/24/2004

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