Forums Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Articles 1077 – EXAMPLE OF REGISTERING A DLL OR OCX

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      Software Bisque Knowledge Base Article – 1077



      How do I register a DLL or OCX?


      Some Windows DLLs, OCX and executable files (called “self-registering files) must be “registered” with the operating system before use. File registration is normally performed when the application that relies on the DLL or OCX is installed. However, viruses, spyware, anti-virus software, desktop “clean up” and other software can “unregister” this files, so they must be reregistered before an application that relies on them can operate normally.. 

      Additionally, software that incorrectly installs older versions of these files in to the Windows System folder may register an out-of-date version, which requires that the newer version is registered.

      For example, below are the steps required to register a DLL named “IRASSKY2.DLL” found in the folder “C:/Program Files/Software Bisque/TheSky6”.

      For ease of understanding, this example is for a specific DLL, however the same steps are required to register any self-registering file (DLL, EXE, OCX) by substituting the appropriate file name and folder.

      1. Click Start | Run and type “COMMAND” and then press “ENTER” to start a DOS shell.

      2. From the DOS prompt, type the following:
        regsvr32 “C:/Program Files/Software Bisque/TheSky6/IRASSky2.DLL

      3. You should receive a message that registration was successful.

      More Information

      If you have multiple DLL's to register, it is convenient to associate the Regsvr32.exe application with the .DLL extension. To do this:

      1. Start the Windows Explorer and navigate to a folder that has the DLL or DLL's you'd like to register.

      2. Double click on the DLL from the Windows Explorer, when prompted “What do you want to do?” choose “Select the program from a list” and press OK.

      3. From the “Open With” dialog, choose the Browse button and navigate to the file /System32/Regsvr32.exe and choose Open.

      4. Choose the “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and press OK.  You will get a message if registration was successful or not.

      5. Double click on any self-registering DLL from the Windows Explorer and it will automatically be registered with Regsvr32.exe.


      Windows software



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